

Learn How Secure People Have the Life & Relationships of Their Dreams. This workshop includes core education and live practice.


Are you currently dating or in a relationship with someone that has an avoidant attachment style or avoidant tendencies?

It is without doubt a challenging (and even painful) dynamic to find yourself in.

This is especially true if the other person (you?) can relate to having an anxious attachment style. In fact, you might want to dive into understanding more about the “anxious-avoidant trap” if this is the case.

Whether you are dating someone with avoidant attachment or you are the one with avoidant tendencies, this week’s coaching video will help you navigate and support someone that has difficulties with closeness, intimacy, and relationships.

Watch the video for a full explanation and three tips (and to meet me!) or scroll down to read the three reasons.


Don’t have time to watch the video? Here are the three reasons I discuss in the video:

  1. Appreciate space and time spent alone or with other people
  2. Be mindful of how you communicate and express yourself (e.g. do you sulk, withdraw?)
  3. Know and respect your own needs

Interested in healing painful relationship patterns?


Build confidence in yourself, others, & your ability to self-soothe.



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  • It can be difficult to be with someone who has avoidant attachment, as they may seem distant or uninterested in intimacy. However, it is important to remember that they are capable of forming attachments.

  • When dealing with someone who has avoidant attachment tendencies, it’s important to give them space, be patient and understanding, and communicate clearly. These tips can be useful not only in personal relationships but also in professional settings, such as when writing a law dissertation proposal that requires collaborating with a difficult or distant advisor.

  • When being with someone with avoidant attachment tendencies, it’s crucial to practice patience, establish clear communication, and respect their boundaries. Seeking professional help and dissertation proofreading services can also assist in improving communication and understanding in the relationship.

  • These tips are helpful for anyone trying to navigate a relationship with someone who has avoidant attachment tendencies. It’s important to understand that their behavior isn’t personal and to communicate openly. As a manufacturer in Mexico, I’ve seen the benefits of clear communication in both personal and professional relationships. Remember to give your partner space, but also to express your own needs and expectations.

  • Being in a relationship with someone who has avoidant attachment can be challenging, as they tend to avoid intimacy and close relationships. To help improve the relationship, it’s important to be patient, understanding, and avoid being critical or demanding. Instead, focus on building trust by being supportive and offering love and comfort.

  • Although the topic is about being with someone with avoidant attachment tendencies, it’s important to note that tips alone may not be enough. It’s crucial to understand the root causes of their behaviour and seek professional help if necessary. As for buying wholesale food and beverages, it’s a smart way to save money and ensure a steady supply of necessities, especially for those on a tight budget.

  • Having a partner with avoidant attachment can be challenging, but it’s important to understand that it’s not personal. Some tips to make it work are:
    1) respect their need for space,
    2) communicate clearly and calmly about your own needs and boundaries,
    3) seek professional help if needed. With patience and understanding, a relationship with an avoidant partner can thrive.

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