

This FREE Masterclass is for anyone who is looking to understand themselves & ignite their love life on a deeper level.

This must-watch free Masterclass is perfect for you if you have every felt:

Too much

Crazy in love

Not enough

Too needy

Join Self-Esteem & Relationship Coach in this FREE Masterclass as she takes you through what drives you to do the things you do when it comes to your relationships, self-sabotaging behaviours, and painful patterns in love.

This is a must-watch for anyone who is looking to understand themselves & ignite their love life on a deeper level

If you have ever found yourself wondering why it is you can’t seem to attract someone who fully sees you and shows up – than I strongly encourage you to get cosy and dive into this Masterclass designed for women just like you (us!).

Giving you the inside scoop on how to choose a relationship that meets your needs, so that you can go from choosing superficial, confusing, & unavailable relationships to being clear, confident, and excited about the kind of relationships you actually desire!

You have immediate access to this Masterclass, giving you the inside scoop on how to choose a relationship that meets your needs.

Get crystal clear on what your needs are, what has been driving you when it comes to life & love, and the ability to recognise the signs that your needs are not being met.



– Why it is OK that you are needy
– Recognising your individual needs
– Sharing 2 frameworks to help you understand what you and your partner NEED
– What happens when you meet someone who cannot meet your needs
– Why your needs are an inside job
– Choosing people that meet your needs

Carly Ann is a Self-Esteem & Relationship Coach, Podcaster, and Recovering Anxious Dater who is passionate about helping other women reclaim their worth in life & love.

Determined to put an end to you feeling ‘too much’, ‘crazy’, or ‘needy’ by giving you the inside scoop on why love makes you feel that way and how you can break free from people who enhance your insecurities.

Whether it is through her Podcast (Lessons in Love), free workshops, or private coaching, Carly Ann helps you go from insecure, anxious, and losing yourself in love, to feeling complete by yourself, totally irreplaceable, and standing in your power as the leader of your love life.